Sandi ParsonsinAge of EmpathyDon’t Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Bitchin’My former mother-in-law was only happy when she was complainingJan 11, 20224Jan 11, 20224
Sandi ParsonsinThe Daily CuppaMany moons ago, I was watching The Simpsons with my son.“Homer is just like my Dad,” Jarryn said. “If your Dad reminds you of Homer, who reminds you of you?” I asked. “Bart.”Dec 7, 20216Dec 7, 20216
Sandi ParsonsinP.S. I Love YouI Refused to Call Him Dad. He Needed to Earn That Title.Genetics made him my father. Love made him my dad.Jun 4, 20217Jun 4, 20217
Sandi ParsonsinThe MotherloadStolen Minutes Allowed Me To Be a Mother, Despite the StatisticsUntil stolen minutes were no longer enough.Apr 14, 20214Apr 14, 20214
Sandi ParsonsinHeart AffairsMy Wedding Wasn’t A Guarantee of Happily Ever AfterA wedding can include hundreds of people, but a marriage is between two.Feb 1, 20212Feb 1, 20212
Sandi ParsonsinSpeaking ChronicallyDon’t Have a BirdSome friendships you never forget.Sep 17, 20192Sep 17, 20192