Checklist: Get Your Ducks in a Row and Give Your Book the Best Chance To Succeed
Tick these off your to-do list and increase your chance of successfully self-publishing your book
If you thought the hard part was writing the book, think again.
Self-publishing can seem daunting — so separate your tasks into small bites so that you can start ticking off your author-to-do checklist.
📘Pre-publication countdown
✅Author Biography
Author biographies have several uses — media releases, to drum up interest for feature articles, or even as a brief introduction.
Write several versions of your author biography. From two-three lines, a medium biography and a longer one detailing more of your background and expertise.
✅Book Hook
You’ll need a summary for your back cover, online sales, and media release, along with one or two sentences that sum up your book.
Make it dynamic to hook your readers in.
✅Cataloging in Publication record
Apply for your Cataloguing in Publication record (also known as CIP data) from your national library. Once processed, add your CIP data in full to the copyright page or indicate which national library holds the data.
CIP data streamlines processing for librarians and booksellers.
✅Set up Goodreads
Any Goodreads user can add a book they have read. Once a book is listed, Goodreads automatically creates an author profile. It’s free marketing space you can use to your advantage.
You’ll find the lowdown on how to make the most of Goodreads here:
✅Let’s Get Social
Are your socials up-to-date?
Have you created author profiles or decided which platforms you will target? Social Media can be a time drain—but it’s also a useful tool to promote yourself, pick up book sales, and other writing opportunities.
✅Author website
If you have one, it’s time to give it a polish. If you don’t have one, it’s time to get busy and create one.
Don’t forget to include a landing page for your book and give your readers all the juicy details on where they can purchase your book.
✅Price points
Determine the RRP of your books and what discount you’ll give book retailers. Discounts can vary from 45% to 55% off RRP.
Set up invoicing templates with your discount automatically applied.
✅Media release
Write a sparkling media release. Use your author biography and snappy summary, and don’t forget to include the nitty-gritty details about your book — RRP, ISBN, and purchasing links to your book.
✅Source possible reviewers
Once you’ve got your proof copies, it’s time to drum up some pre-sale book reviews. Send your proof copies out to potential reviewers.
✅Source possible interviewers
Think inside and outside the box.
- Local and state newspapers
- Magazines that cover your book’s topics
- Local radio
- Podcasts
✅Claim your Amazon author profile
Once your book is available for preorder on Amazon, claim your author profile.
✅Blog tour
Reach out to book bloggers and see if you can write a guest post or answer interview questions for their blog.
✅Plan your book launch
- Find a venue
- Ask someone to host the event/launch your book
- Decide on catering
- Plan an activity (children’s books)
- Design and send out invitations
- Write your speech.
📘After you release your book into the wild
✅Follow up
Follow up with reviewers and interview contacts.
✅Contact Bookstores
Set up meetings with bookstores. Have your invoices, media release, and plenty of stock on hand.
Create a bit of buzz and run a few competitions on social media.
✅Apply for Public and Educational lending rights
If you live in one of the thirty-five countries with lending rights, make sure you register as both an author and a publisher.
Lending rights are payments made to authors to compensate them for lost sales when their books are borrowed from public libraries. Some countries base their rates on how many copies are available in libraries. While others calculate payments based on how many times your book has been borrowed from a library.
✅Legal Deposit
Some countries require a legal deposit — for you to send a copy of your book to their repository (often the national library). It’s a great way to leave a historical record of all the written works produced by a county.
Check if your country requires a legal deposit, fill out the required information, and send your book off to become part of history.
📘Go for gold!
✅Get on a book recommendation list
Recommendation lists are widely used by libraries, parents, people looking for their next read, or even for gift ideas.
Bonus points apply if your book lands on a recommendation list from a well-known influencer or trusted brand.
✅Enter your book into reputable awards
There are numerous book awards. If you decide to enter your book in an award, invest the time to check on its reputation.
Steer clear of awards with high fees where everyone is a ‘winner’ — also known as the ‘buy a sticker scam.’
A reputable award can give your book a sales boost and free advertising.
Nab yourself a free printable of this guide along with a checklist here.
Check out my other articles on writing and publishing:

Sandi Parsons is an award-winning school librarian with over 20 years experience working in educational libraries. She lives with her favorite husband and two problem puppies. Sandi’s first chapter book, Pepsi the Problem Puppy, won a golden ticket when it was shortlisted for the West Australian Young Readers’ Book Award.
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